Friday, 16 September 2016

Oh God It's Monday (OGIM)...Thank God It's Friday (TGIF): Really!!!???

Honestly one of my biggest life goals is to build a life and a thriving career where I'm constantly not waiting for the weekend.  

I don't want to live that way, where I hate five days of the week because I hate my life and my job so much, that the only relief I get is Saturday and Sunday.

I want to enjoy my life and what I do, and not wish it away every week.

I want each day to matter to me and to someone someday, even in a small way.

I want to love my life, what I do, all of it, not just my life on the weekend.

What I'm saying to you is, build a life you don't need to always escape from.

I hope you use every day to build your life into something you are proud of living! 

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Love you, some you.

Be so thankful for your struggle because if it didn't happen, you wouldn't have stumbled upon your own strength.
Flowers grow back, even after they are stepped on. So will you and I. Sometimes you forget about taking care of yourself. You get so used to putting others in front you that you fall into the other roles you may have.

I don't understand why society installs in all of us that, if we take a moment to take care of ourselves that we are "selfish". You are NOT selfish.
When you take care of yourself, you are literally making yourself happy. That is also where you love yourself. You got to take care of your needs so you don't become so dependent on someone else making you happy.
Take a relationship for instance: Your man/woman should enhance your life, not make your life for you.

It isn't someone's job to take care of you or make you happy... It's YOURS.
So go pamper the heck out of yourself. (Pardon my Latin) 
Just in case you needed this: You are so beyond loved, You are so powerful, You are surrounded by so many miracles (go look in the mirror because you are a miracle)
You are here to be one big ball of fire in this crazy dark world of ours.
And really,really,really, believe that whatever you desire is here and you CAN and WILL have it all.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Just Don't Settle

You can change the place you live, your clothes, your interests, your friends.
As easy as it is to change these simple things in your life, you can also change your point of view, your attitude, your beliefs about the world, how you treat people and how you plan to be different this time around.

Once you start being optimistic and see life as an adventure, everything LITERALLY changes.
The thrill of the unknown, of risks, allowing yourself to fail and knowing you'll grow because of it.

As crazy as the world may seem or maybe just the view you have of it - it's like looking through a crack in the door and never being able to see the whole room... the whole picture.  

Whatever it is: Life is about growth.. the most fatal illusion is a settled point of view.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Keep moving

I was talking to one of my friends this morning, she needed a friend to confide in, over an issue
We were equally talking about why certain things happen to us but they always lead to bigger and better things.. 
I want to share with you what I said: 😱😂😂 "Sometimes GOD closes doors because it's time to move forward. He knows you won't move forward unless your circumstances force you" 

He doesn't do things to hinder you even if in the moment it seems like the worst thing ever and you don't know how you are going to manage moving forward.. But how awesome is it that someone already knows what is BEST for YOU!?

Think about everything that has changed in your life and how awesome it is becoming because certain people or situations changed.. Look at you living and all!
Even if you are going through a tough time right now, know that it's only launching you into a NEW AND BETTER journey ✌️

Let go

For a long time I bottled up emotions and held onto things that weren't even in my control.

I thought by forgiving it meant I was weak or saying that it's okay that someone hurt me...That is SO WRONG!

When you forgive, you are giving a gift to yourself!

You can't keep clinging to old wounds and nursing the grudges..

Today, I want you to practice forgiveness.

Repeat after me:

I forgive you. Not for you, but for me. Because just like chains trying to keep me to the past, I will no longer pollute my heart with bitterness, fear, anger or distrust.

I forgive you because hate is just another way of holding on and you don't belong here no more.

...Always a way.

Sometimes you may feel like you are standing in front of locked doors..but thank GOD for sledgehammers 👏

You take that sledgehammer and you break down that door or person making it difficult for you to establish your goals and dreams.

There is ALWAYS a way to make EVERYTHING happen.

You just got to be willing to keep fighting no matter what is in your way.

Fail forward and don't give a hoot about what someone's opinion is over you, it's their problem anyway. 

Be you!

Some people say rude things, not because they mean it but because they see you doing something and they see themselves doing nothing, doing less than you, and that creates an insecurity.
Which means they'll say things to make you feel insecure too and they'll pray that insecurity makes you feel less confident and they pray that lack of confidence you once had makes you stop what you are doing, and they will pray that you'll be eventually doing nothing and be nothing just LIKE THEM.
Because when they get you to that level, You are no longer a threat to them.
But one thing "they" forgot is that you are a damn fighter and use those stones they threw at you to build you a foundation to get you where you need to go.
Never stop no matter what "they" say. 

Dear Young Men

Dear Young man, You don't have to have sex with every woman who shows the slightest interest in you. Some of us have ruined great friend...