Friday, 9 December 2016

What you tell yourself is so POWERFUL!

When you don't love yourself you try to fill yourself up with sex, drugs, and food until that "void" you are trying to fill spills out and it goes into your relationships.

For the longest time I personally was victimized by the Frankenstein of my life... ME! 😂

I had quietly told myself several times: ‘’…You aren't good enough as you think you are.’’

You'll never feel confident enough, No one will ever love you, No one will accept you just as you are, You will always be the friend that would never check up on others, bla, bla, bla…

Does that sound like you too?

What I learned is that, what you tell yourself is so POWERFUL! 😱

So if you think you are any of those things, you are RIGHT. What you tell yourself out loud or in your mind is what your heart hears and it tells your brain what to say…Change your "I AM"

Start practicing your "I AM' s" and leave all the self-doubt, swipe right to all that negative self-talk and rather Choose to love yourself faultlessly!!!

I went through this motions too ... doubts in my head and a voice telling me to stay in my comfort zone since I wasn’t good enough ... BUT when I broke that vicious circle, I realized I could reach everything. Learn to fight for you, like I did for me... All the best to you!

The sun will rise and set regardless...

The sun will rise and set regardless, so what you end up choosing to do with your "light" is up to you.
But you are still living in your "cage". No one keeps you there but you. You totally forgot that, that cage has had its door wide open for years.
Stop letting yourself be locked up from things, people, bad experiences, fear etc. fully cut ties with it once and for all.
No longer give permission to let "residual moments" hold your life captive and live rent free in your amazing soul.
Being normal and safe is kind of boring. Yes, it's a "easy walk" but flowers don't grow that way. Flowers grow when rained on and they survive Nigeria's hottest sunlight and the most crazy storms, so do we.

Dear Young Men

Dear Young man, You don't have to have sex with every woman who shows the slightest interest in you. Some of us have ruined great friend...