Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Keep moving

When you start a race, not everybody will cheer you on!
Some will just watch in silence...
Others will cheer you on for just a while...
Some will pray that you make it...
Others will wish that you fail...
Very few or none will run along with you...
But when you keep on, when you persist, when you go against all odds...
When you finally make it, when you win the race......
They will all applaud you!!!!

Applause doesn't come from giving up!
and nobody ever won the race by giving up!
Whether they cheer you on or not, keep moving until success is evident!!

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Who are your friends?

What kind of friends do you have?

- The ones that draw your attention to social media beef, fights and blackmail posts, by tagging you or mentioning you in the comments?

- The ones that only send you invites to the different rant groups and the likes?

- Who don't tag you to posts that offer business and legit money-making opportunities?

- Who don't ever tag you to posts with useful self-development content?

- Who won't tag you to or share content that will help broaden your knowledge-base?

You see the world we are going into, post-covid, we'll have to be intentional about who we call our friends and the content we consume. 

Create that balance between when you consume fun content and when you take on serious stuff, that you need for your field of endeavour.

The world is going on a home run and "Loafers" won't fit in anymore.

Welcome to the New Normal!

- #EAI ©️

Dear Young Men

Dear Young man, You don't have to have sex with every woman who shows the slightest interest in you. Some of us have ruined great friend...