Every time you overcome an excuse, you're one step closer to your goal! Here are a few tips on how to beat your own excuses.
1. Have a realistic and attainable goal. – set an ACHIEVABLE goal that’s SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound). Write them down or make a mood board to make them feel tangible.
2. You need a plan of action for your goal. – Plan the steps you must take to realize your goal/s. And remember to have a backup plan (plan B, C, D, E and etc.), in case your plan A didn’t work out so you’ll have no excuse to stop achieving your goal.
3. Less talking, more on doing – what you say doesn’t matter if you don’t live by it, make sure to act on it and always deliver. Remember you are capable of DOING greater things, don’t limit yourself.
REMEMBER excuses is one thing successful people don’t make!
You can use this principle both in your professional & personal lives to maximise your time, effort and desired outcomes.