Monday, 8 September 2014

''Bomb scare''

I was at the bank to do a service activation, on a day, the banking hall was so full...I noticed this young lady in white hijab trying to get in, but the door wouldn't open, as the ''Woman inside the door'' would ask her to go drop the metal object she had on, blah blah blah.
Immediately my mind swung into action: ''That lady had explosives strapped to her body, which the door detected, that's why she had difficulties getting in.'' I melted on my seat and literally felt my tummy churn, as I froze in fear. I thought of standing up and dashing upstairs. (At least the impact won't be much,since I won't take a direct hit) She eventually got in on her fourth attempt, and at the same time, the bank staff that was attending to me, got up to leave, making his seat the only available one in the banking hall, and this suspected ''suicide bomber,'' made straight for that seat which was right beside me, sat down, then looked into my face with such a stern look. And the next thing she whispers...''Stupid bank and their stupid door, everytime I come here that door embarasses me.'' I tried to force a smile but my heart was beating too fast out of fear for a smile to pop up. I was trying too hard to douse the now palpable fear. She then dipped her hand into a part of the hijab that looked like a pouch,at that moment, I concluded she was reaching for the detonator. I'm sure I had died even before she would have blown us all to smithereens ...A quick thought came to me suddenly: ''Hold her hand, stop her from pressing the death-button and become a hero'', but before I could do that, she had pulled it out >>> A pack of handbills, for a summer holiday program for children. Handed a copy to me, then shared the rest and made to leave some with the customer-service lady, who directed her to the right spot where she could drop them.

As I stepped out of the bank , I instantly developed this sharp headache, coupled with a mixture of anger and at the same time laughing at myself.
I guess the boko haram scourge has made us all edgy and suspicious.

1 comment:

Dear Young Men

Dear Young man, You don't have to have sex with every woman who shows the slightest interest in you. Some of us have ruined great friend...