Saturday, 30 December 2017

Sweetness comes from sweat

Everyone has a desire to do something but very few have the discipline to set their desires free.
You have to understand that whatever you want, it’s not going to be easy. Sweetness comes from sweat.
The reason why many people don`t achieve is that they are so much attached to who they have always been instead of embracing who they want to become.
You were not born just to make a living, pay your bills and die.
The truth is that you were born for a purpose that`s beyond survival.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

... Self assured! a feeling of self assurance, the rising of ones, appreciation for ones own abilities. We look at confidence from a place of outside of ourselves.
But really it's a KNOWING of the POWERS God has given YOU.

It's the power of your ability to CREATE. Make sure you know the difference and make sure you adjust your mind and attitude to have the RIGHT kind of confidence in yourself.

It will take you very far!

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Why die? #SayNoToDomesticViolence

I was having a chat earlier today about the reported cases of domestic abuse in the last 24 hours, as seen on social media. Of the two incidents, one of the victims didn’t live to tell the story, the other is an ongoing case which has gotten to the police. These days, incidents of domestic violence are quite rife, and I strongly believe that they are grossly under-reported.

That is not what I want to dwell on. We live in a generation where there is a lot of skewed / warped thinking cum reasoning. A generation that have sacrificed values at the altar of materialism. So I want to say, all our ‘’Slay’’ babes or is it queens? (Whatever that means), who prefer to cry in limousines, Lamborghinis, private jets, super mansions etc; I have one advice for you:
Enjoy the monies you get as ‘’compensation’’ from men that don’t treat you well, drive the cars, paint the town red, travel the world, Pepper dem, demean your competition, let them know they are not in your league, Keep up the fake outlook, even when you know you’re dying inside of you, mask it with what you want society to see.

While you’re at it, please be sure to set aside a portion of the ‘’stress-relieve’’ fund you get, for your burial expenses, just in case. Don’t leave that burden to grieving family and friends, since you choose/prefer to stand the ‘’heat in the kitchen’’ because of the monetary/material benefits that accrue to you.

Photo credit: Google

Photo Credit: Google

When your sad story breaks out, if it does, I'll only feel bad for a moment, say a long ''eyaaaaaahhhh, then immediately flip the script to find our if the naira has gained on the dollar, when the recession would end, if Nnamdi Kanu has met his bail conditions, Buhari's state of health, new locations where hidden monies have been found, why the Oba of Lagos gave the Ooni of Ife the royal ''ela'', sympathise with Chelsea fans that feel they will win the FA Cup, argue with friends who try to register me in the Bitcoin thing, which celebrities are fighting, scold my mechanic for putting a fake China part in my car, wonder why people watch ZWorld and telemundo, why guys put snapchat ''garden'' on their head, why people go live on facebook and just make faces, saying nothing, ultimately see thank God for his Grace etc.
You see, there is so much to live for, so many distractions in Nigeria and the world, to entertain you. Why choose a path that could end up being fatal?, why walk the dark path?... WHY DIE?

If a guy (Rich or Poor) is subjecting you to deep emotional abuse and you can’t cope, please TAKE THAT WALK and SAVE YOUR LIFE. You do not have to wait till it cascades to physical abuse…Money is good, but trust me, it is not everything.

Be wise!

***Men suffer abuse too, but that is not the focus of this particular post***

#SayNoToDomesticViolence #NoToViolenceAgainstWomen

- Ekerette-Alvin Ikpe #EAI

Friday, 24 March 2017

Guest Post: When Progress Is Slow - Nonhlanhla Kone

It's important to renew our minds, but it's also important to realize that this process of reprogramming or renewing our minds will take place little by little. Don't be discouraged if progress seems slow. Don't get down when you have setbacks or bad days. Just get back up, dust yourself off and start again.

When a baby is learning to walk, he falls many, many times before he develops the ability to walk without falling; however, the baby is persistent. He may cry for a while after he falls down, but he always gets right back up and tries again.

***Photo Credit: ZaibatsuPlanet

Learning to change our thinking works the same way. We struggle and fall down, but God is always there to pick us up. Rather than get frustrated, you should, as the Bible says, "triumph" in your hardship, because the very fact that you're struggling means that you're fighting the good fight.

There will be days when we don't do everything right, days when our thinking is negative. But never stop trying. God is gradually bringing us around to His way of thinking. Just don't give up!

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for picking me up when I fall down. I know that my struggles mean that You are helping me overcome my negative mindsets and bringing me more and more in line with Your way of thinking.                      

By Nonhlanhla Kone

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Guest Post: When the world speaks negatively - Uduak Usoro-Ilaumoh

***Photo Credit: Zaibatsu Planet

No, You are too young...

No, You are too old...

No, You don't have a background....

No, You don't have the qualification...

No, You don't have the profile...

No, You don't have the Money...

No, You don't have the Class...

No, You don't have a name...

No, You are not beautiful...

No, You are a woman...

No, The Doctor says you can't make it...

No, You can't be married...

No, You can't have a child...

Every "Negativity" is on a mission...

The Mission to make you decline, surrender, withdraw, breakdown, dampen your confidence and leave you stripped!

Be Bold enough to Say YES when Friends, Families, Colleagues, Enemies, etc speak negatively!


 - Uduak Usoroh-Ilaumoh

Friday, 17 March 2017

The ME

"My Heart is like an open book it depends on how you read me.

Don't  judge me by my cover, look in and discover me,then you can think what you want, but still I'm gonna be me moulded and shaped by my Heavenly Father daily.

I'm here you can either love me or hate me, I am still me...
Blessed of God,fulfilling Destiny!" - Unknown

I am who I am by the Grace of God, Purposed by Divine Design.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

How was your night?

Today, it's about "HOW WAS YOUR NIGHT? "

The night is gone, the night was my past... I'm alive to a new day and what it holds for me. That is what counts! 

People just love dealing with people's  past. (Most times it's the only thing they've got on you, when they want to negatively criticize or judge)

One should rather be interested in how you're fairing/doing at the very moment of interaction.

How about?... HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS MORNING?, HOW IS EVERYTHING? or HOW ARE YOU TODAY? I think that sounds better.

Who "how was your night" epp abeg, wetin you wan know!? 

#EAI ©️®️

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


''...I IDENTIFY what needs to change,  THINK of how to change it, change my ATTITUDE,  then TRANSFORM into that which I seek to change.." - #EAI ®©


Wednesday, 22 February 2017

YOU are the beholder...

Hanging out with a few friends, some years ago, had one of them saying to the group ‘’whatever you guys are eating, you really need to give Alvin some.’’ We all laughed over that line, but deep inside me, I felt terrible, if not embarrassed, because he had simply fired up my misery some eons into space. I was really scrawny back in the day, and had always wanted to add some weight and look fresher, but yet, even in that sorry state I thought I was in, how some babes still thought I was cool back then, still remains unfathomable and worse still the ‘’I liked the way you used to look’’ line these days, just baffles the Gulliver out of my travels.

I should be ME enough to love my body size, if I am certain that is my preferred size, I look good that way, and not have society dictate to me, what is acceptable. Of course there is the ready excuse of health. Are we saying that there are no more chubby, yet healthy people? Chubby but fit people?

Slim is not necessarily fit and healthy, just like chubby is not necessarily unfit and unhealthy. You can be slim, sick and unhealthy, same way you can be chubby, fit and healthy. I have met very smart, healthy big-bodied individuals. I saw a friend recently, whom I thought really used to look good and fresh back in the day, looking like a scarecrow all in a bid to fit in. I did not utter a word, but I’m sure my shocked expression must have given something away. Unless there is a clear health and fitness threat posed by your body size, then one might need to check it.

Early 2014

Most Recent ( 20th February 2017)

Do not lose the essence of who you truly are or should be, because of wanting to meet up to standards set by society. I rather strive to stay healthy than please society by looking all ghostly because of the need to fit it and be accepted.

We live in a society where being on the generous side of body size has a sudden, forced stigmatization attempt, a clampdown of sorts. Ironically, the same folks that tell you how slim you are and why you should add some flesh, will tell you, Ol boy watch your weight, and when you drop some, they want to know if you were or are sick? (From recent experience)


The reflection you see in the mirror is going to look distorted because of societal demands, all the magazine and media based ideas of what "looking handsome or beautiful" is.
I am not sure I care what the media or magazines say it is, when they are all airbrushed and unrealistic bodies to maintain.

YOU are the beholder

No matter the flaws you consider, the stretch marks, the cellulite, the scars, the pimples... That doesn't define what an amazing, impactful being you are, and can be.
I urge everyone to stop trying to conform to particular beauty standards and body types. Forget them and rather focus on you and your happiness.
I'm here to celebrate it all, stretch marks, cellulite and everything else.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, I do not hear how you pick on my flaws, I care not what you think of me. I give you no power at all. I am much more than you can see.

Love yourself good and handsome/beautiful, at any size and in any damn angle

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Another year of gratitude...

I remind myself every year on this special day how blessed I am to have been given another year to experience the wonders of this beautiful world! 

My birthday is a day I reflect, cherish and love. I believe that I am the equivalent of fine wine or delicious cheese. The older the better. I am thrilled to be another year older and wiser today.

Like the song says: ‘Live your life with arms wide open, Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten.’

Someday, I will tell the beautiful story of how human "expectations" were defied to write an emerging beautiful story. 

God already made the way, inspite of me: It is called GRACE
Like the eagle, I am free to fly!

All I can say thank you Jesus!!!

Dear Young Men

Dear Young man, You don't have to have sex with every woman who shows the slightest interest in you. Some of us have ruined great friend...